Esta página en ESPAÑOL



STIMULATING ACTIVITIES COMPANY S.L. (SAC-O hereinafter) is a Spanish company registered in the Registro Mercantil of Madrid.

SAC-O headquarters are in Marceliano Santa María, 4, Madrid (E-28036), Spain. You may contact SAC-O by Tel. (+34) 915 637 515 - Fax (+34) 915 568 974 - - or by any other mean you consider pertinent and efficient.

SAC-O is the owner and editor of the domain, and such ownership as been duly notified to the the Madrid Mercantile Registrar.

SAC-O offer or may offer through the webpages of its domain products, services or informatione to its clients or to internet users in general.

In SAC-O's domain you may find webpages with links to other webpages outside of its domain and out of SAC-O's control, and therefore those we pages might be subject to different private and/or public rules.

All products and services in this web site are provided by SAC-O according to the Law.


1. Applicable legislations and legal jurisdiction

In general, SAC-O's client relationships derived from the products and services provided on this website are subject to the Spanish law and the Spanish Courts shall have jurisdiction.

2. Registration as a SAC-O Client

The User is hereby informed and accepts that delivery of a registration form in order to sign up as a SAC-O Client or a request to hire any of the products or services in this web site shall not imply, in any way whatsoever, that a business relationship is established with SAC-O [insofar as all the requirements established by SAC-O, pursuant to current regulations, are not met]

The User is hereby notified that the products and services currently available on this website are directed solely and exclusively at Spanish residents or at persons requesting them in Spain. Therefore, notwithstanding the language of this website, it shall not be interpreted as an offer made to Users residing outside Spain. This requirement is an essential condition prior to the commencement of commercial relationship with SAC-O. Users shall be solely responsible for any applications they may make for any of the products or services shown on this website that do not fulfil the requirement regarding their place of residence or the stipulation that products and services may only be requested within Spain. SAC-O shall be exempt from any corresponding liability. SAC-O may reject an application to register as a Client from the moment it is aware that the User is not fulfilling the aforementioned requirements.

3. Data processing

SAC-O shall guarantee the confidentiality of any personal data provided by its users and the automatic treatment thereof, pursuant to legal provisions on the protection of personal data and the Data Protection clause.

4. Secure environment

The access to our transaction web pages, via which the clients of SAC-O can sign up for SAC-O products or services, is carried out in a non secure environment, unless otherwise stated and notified to the User. The client can check if he/she is in a secure environment by examining the lock on the lower status line or the address shown on the navigator that will begin with https when in a secure environment and with http when in a non secure one.Likewise, the client can check that he/she is on SAC-O's website by looking for the words " SAC-O" or "Stimulating Activities Company" on the top status bar.

Clients may request and/or hire on-line the products and services offered by SAC-O on this website by using the password and code system, previously provided to that effect by SAC-O, which ensures their identification and the integrity and confidentiality of all transactions.

5. Intellectual and industrial property

SAC-O shall own all intellectual property rights over the content, graphic design and codes included in its website. Consequently, any reproduction, distribution, public communication and transformation thereof is forbidden, unless this is carried out for personal and private purposes. Likewise, all business names, trademarks or distinctive signs of any type whatsoever shown on SAC-O's website shall be protected by law.

6. Web content and links

SAC-O shall not be liable for any type of misuse of the website's content. The person with access or using the website shall be solely and exclusively liable.

SAC-O shall not be liable in any way whatsoever for the information contained in third party websites to which access is made through links or search tools in SAC-O's website. The links shown on SAC-O's website are provided for information purposes only and shall at no time be deemed to represent a suggestion, invitation or recommendation regarding the said link.

7. Exchange or diffusion of information

SAC-O hereby waives any liability that may derive from its users exchanging information through its website. Any liability for declarations that are broadcast in this website shall correspond to the authors thereof.

8. Information on technical issues

SAC-O shall not be liable for any potential loss or damage that may derive from interferences, omissions, interruptions, computer viruses, telephone breakdowns or cut-offs in the operation of the SAC-O's electronic system, for reasons beyond SAC-O's control. The foregoing shall include the delayed or blocked use of SAC-O's electronic system due to defective or overloaded telephone lines or overloading in SAC-O's data processing centre, internet or other electronic system, including any damage caused by third parties through illegal interferences beyond SAC-O's control. Likewise, SAC-O shall be exempt from liability for any losses or damages suffered by a user as a result of errors, defects or omissions in SAC-O's information, provided that the source thereof is outside SAC-O.